Thursday, September 16, 2010

Read this Mitch Albom column if you need reassurance . . .

. . . that some people do "get" how big our task is.

Mitch Albom is in Korea.  He compares their kids (and culture) with ours. I'm not sure this qualifies as "encouraging," but it is somehow reassuring to me that someone "gets" that we educators do not have an easy task; and that the fact that our kids do not perform as well as many countries' children is not the fault of me and you. Read "Korea's kids just like ours, 100 years ago" here.


Lynn Thomas said...

This is an excellent point, especially in light of the release of “Waiting for Superman.”
The culture of the community makes a huge difference in education!

Phil Lynch said...

Hi, Lynn

Schools are really a barometer of a society and community, I've thought for years.

Dr. Kafer taught me the two best (though far from perfect) predictors of school success are SES and ed. level of the mother.
