
Here are some things that I've found to be of value. I don't endorse everything they might say, of course. Take the good where you can find it.


The Positivity Blog:  The name says it all, plus it's fun, with posts like Winnie the Pooh's Guide to a Happier Life!

The Daily Motivator (website): Again, the name says it all. It has a great post today (August 2010, as I write this). I hope you find some good ones too.

Living an Uncommon Life (book): Written by nationally-syndicated motivational radio host John St. Augustine. Each chapter/theme is based on a different person.

Lolly Daskal: Lolly is a speaker/writer who stresses leadership coming from strong ethics and personal characteristics. She also tweets lots of helpful tips.


PresentationZen (book): Changed my life in a very concrete way: I do PowerPoint presentations way differently. I wish I could force some people to give this baby a quick read. No more slides crammed with words (boring and counterproductive). Less is more.

Non-Designer's Design Book: If you're at all interested in designing letterhead, fliers, menus, business cards, even uh, . . . blogs . . . run, do not walk to this book. There are many before/after illustrations so you can clearly see what the author's talking about.

No shop talk for now, ok?