All my teachers affected me. Some influences, though very real, are lost in the fog of memory (or lack thereof). But others I still can recall and I'd like to give credit where it's due. Here are a few of the most important.
Grant Hoemke, former director of bands at Farmington High, taught us that what you get out of an endeavor is directly proportional to what you put into it. When a student, I didn't practice that truth (or my trombone) as much as I could have, but it is very much in my mind now. He also taught me music theory, which I put into practice as I write arrangements for my jazz trio. Mr. Hoemke is a true gentleman and excellent band director.
Bill Knox, whom I knew as professor of English at Northern Michigan University, taught me the value of doing rough drafts and revising one's work to make it . . . better. What a concept. His method: he made us turn in rough drafts with our later versions. Genius. Thanks, Bill.
Patricia Tompkins of Farmington High taught me Latin which I think about literally every day as I read English. I also often use it to break down terms for students in my psych. classes. Mrs. Tompkins is an intelligent and engaging person who taught Latin and mythology with humor and passion.
Connie Burress, a neighbor, taught me how to play piano. She had immense patience when I didn't practice and got me well acquainted with the piano literature. Still playing, Mrs. Burress.