It's been a very discouraging couple of days, reading of our district's potential $2 million deficit, which, of course, can't be allowed to happen. On top of that, with report cards in the mail Saturday came a survey to parents with a whole host of things asking us to rate how much or little we'd like to cut them. One was "replace staff with online courses." YIKES!
on Saturday I did get to spend the day at solo and ensemble festival held at our school. I heard the fruits of talent and hard work. I heard judges patiently giving words of instruction and encouragement. I saw parents volunteering to make it happen. I saw lots of kids enjoying music and being around others of like mind and spirit. It's one of those days that gives me hope for the human race. So - here's a special thank you to music and art teachers. Knowledge is what they measure on the ACT, but you address the soul. Thank you.
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