Friday, December 24, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Are you on autopilot?

You can "Take charge of your thoughts instead of allowing them to control you."
~ Norman Vincent Peale

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How Not to Be a Zombie

This New York Times article discusses why - maybe - zombies are so hot right now.  In short, mindless slogging is what we fear, and it is what we fear we have already become: purposeless wage slaves, consumer sheep just going through the motions that we have programmed to do.

Psychologists - and Rick Warren - rightly tell us that having and feeling a purpose to our life is a key ingredient to long-term satisfaction and happiness.

Take heart, non-zombie!  You and I, O colleague,  have an advantage: ours is a helping profession. We can exist not on autopilot, but purposefully, to bless others. Our society depends on our shaping future adults to be intelligent and sane. May you have a good week as you go about that serious work, being mindful of your importance! Zombies be gone!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sincere Condolences

My family offers its condolences to the family and friends of Sam Hengel, who was a son, friend, scout, Tae Kwon Do participant, and student.